8 Doable Ways to Live Your Faith in a Busy Life
Between work, family, social life, and a billion chores, you barely have time to pause. It seems that in a busy lifestyle like this, our Christian faith often takes a backseat.
But it doesn’t have to be so! There are plenty of ways to incorporate your faith – and in fact, put it front and center – amid a hectic daily life. Try these easy tips this week, for starters.
1. Listen while you work.
There are worship songs that greatly resonate with you or stoke your faith. Why not create a playlist of these? Then you can listen to your “Worship Mix” while working, doing chores at home, making dinner, commuting, working out at the gym… the list goes on.
Bonus tip: You can skip making the playlist and listen instead to Christian radio. Or you can opt to listen to Bible podcasts and inspirational audiobooks.
2. Decorate your space.
Sometimes, all you need are little reminders around you. Design your home or workspace so that you get reminded of your blessings every time. Hang wall art, post Bible verses, arrange inspirational décor on your desk.
3. Make your coffee breaks count.
Even a five-minute break is an opportunity to get in touch with God. Take this chance to say a quick prayer, read the Good Book, or do some reflecting. It’s a good way to revitalize you, too!
Bonus tip: It helps to have inspirational items handy – like this humorous tumbler you can carry anywhere.
4. Wear your faith.
The easiest way to proclaim your faith? You don’t have to do anything at all – you can just wear it! Thankfully, there are endless choices out there of wearable Christian fashion that you can add to your everyday wardrobe, from clothes to accessories and even jewelry.
5. Volunteer or donate.
Our Christian faith moves us to actively help our neighbors. Use your weekends to participate in your church’s outreach program or in a local non-profit’s activities. Or, if you can spare only a couple of minutes, donate some resources to a worthy charity.
6. Assign a space to pray and reflect.
It’s easier to connect with our faith in a quiet, non-distracting environment. At home or even at your workplace, find a little corner where there’s less activity, like an empty room or a nestled garden. This is where you can escape the hustle-and-bustle and spend time with God any chance you get.
7. Make it part of your routine.
This is perhaps the most important tip in this list. Time for prayer should be a non-negotiable item in your daily schedule – it shouldn’t be just a matter of “when I get the chance.” Take a look at your routine now and adjust it so that you have time slots for your faith. The more you practice this routine, the more it becomes habitual.
8. Smell the roses.
Routine or not, here’s a simple way to spark your faith throughout the day: Notice the beautiful things around you, and thank God for them every time. Maybe you had something nice for lunch. Maybe you pass by the sunset after work. Give thanks.
Do you have your own ways to incorporate your faith amid busy schedules? Share with us in the comments!